“some new age theory”

Have you ever seen your enemy? I mean your worst enemy. He is dressed in black clothes with blurry design. Phobos (fear) stands next to him and Deimos (dread) is his arrow. He is born when reason and soul are asleep. The enemy has an indefinite face because it is whatever you imagine it to be.

Have you ever found yourself whith an annoyng song ringing in your ears, a stupid song that every f***ing radio plays, a song that doesen’t say anything but somehow clings to your brain like a parasite? Have you ever realized that although you could be thinking of something else you somehow recollect memories that project upon you only sorrow, anguish and fear? Have you ever found yourself in a state of pessimism and realized that although you know that it’s not going to make it better you smoke a cigarette, drink too much or do whatever abuse that one can think of doing upon oneself? Have you ever woke up in the morning and didn’t find the will to get out of bed for hours because your mind relentlessly pursued dreams and old memories? The list could continue but if you, like me , had found yourself in at least one of the instances above then you are in a conscius battle with your adversary.

I’ve heard people talking about enjoying the small things in life. Where does that take you? You want more and more of those small things. Lets take eating for example. It’s a pleasure that can become an addiction just like smooking. Why? Because the brain releases endorphines during exercise, excitement, pain, consumption of spicy food and orgasm,and they resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a feeling of well-being. Therefore we can become addicted to this feeling.

One should not wake up and check the whether to justify his or her mood but instead should know what he or she espects from life and imagine, for five minutes, before getting out of bed, how life would be “having all that”  resulting  in a feeling of  well being that will last throughout the day  untouched  by exterior  factors.